作者(author):陆俊辉律师|Attorney Lawrence Luk
I. Regarding Your Rights and Obligations: According to relevant provisions of Chinese civil procedural law, you enjoy the same litigation rights and obligations as Chinese citizens, legal persons, and other organizations. However, if the courts in your jurisdiction restrict the litigation rights of Chinese citizens, legal persons, and other organizations, Chinese courts will adhere to the principle of reciprocity.
II.Regarding Retaining Legal Representation: If you, as a foreigner, wish to file a lawsuit within the territory of China and require legal representation, according to relevant provisions of Chinese civil procedural law, your legal representative must be a lawyer qualified to practice law within China. If a lawyer not qualified to practice law within China represents you in court, they may not appear as your legal representative. Legal fees are subject to standards set in various provinces and municipalities across China; specific information can be obtained by consulting local law firms.
III.Regarding Authorization of Representation: If you do not have a domicile within China and need to authorize a Chinese lawyer or another individual to represent you in litigation, the authorization document sent or submitted from outside China should be notarized by a competent authority in your jurisdiction and then authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate in your jurisdiction, or comply with the relevant procedures stipulated in treaties between China and your jurisdiction before it becomes effective.
IV.Regarding Individuals or Organizations Enjoying Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities: If you are an individual or organization enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunities and initiate civil litigation in China, you should proceed in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and international treaties concluded or joined by China.
V.Regarding Court Language and Translation Issues: According to relevant provisions of Chinese civil procedural law, Chinese courts handle foreign-related civil cases using the Chinese language and characters. Therefore, if you require translation services provided by the court, the court will provide them upon your request, but you will bear the cost.
VI.Regarding the Issue of Legal Application: According to relevant provisions of Chinese civil procedural law, civil litigation conducted within the territory of China must comply with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. Priority will also be given to the application of international treaties concluded or joined by China, except for provisions that China has declared reservations on, in which case domestic Chinese law will apply.
VII.Regarding Evidence Issues: It is recommended that you consult with a Chinese lawyer to provide advice based on the specifics of your case. If you are eager to initiate litigation, you may also collect evidence related to the case in advance. According to relevant provisions of Chinese civil procedural law, evidence mainly includes: (1) statements of the parties involved; (2) documentary evidence; (3) physical evidence; (4) audio-visual materials; (5) electronic data; (6) testimony of witnesses; (7) expert opinions; (8) records of examination and inspection, etc. If you have any doubts about the aforementioned evidence, it is advisable to consult with a Chinese lawyer as soon as possible for clarification.
Please be reminded that regarding evidence originating from outside the jurisdiction of China, according to Chinese law and the viewpoint of the Supreme People's Court, the main points are as follows: (1) When parties provide evidence formed outside the jurisdiction to prove facts of a case, except for evidence proving the litigant's standing, they may independently decide whether to handle relevant procedures for notarization or authentication of such evidence. Regardless of whether notarization or authentication procedures have been conducted for the evidence provided by the parties, the People's Court shall conduct cross-examination and determine whether to accept it. (2) Certain extraterritorial evidence, such as extraterritorial official documents, may bypass notarization or certification procedures if their authenticity can be verified via the internet. In cases where both parties have no objections to the authenticity of official documents, they may also be exempt from relevant notarization or certification procedures. (3) Extraterritorial evidence that has not undergone notarization or authentication is not automatically devoid of legal effect. Regarding evidence unrelated to proving litigant standing, if the People's Court can confirm its authenticity through other evidence, it should also be considered admissible.
*主要法律法规、司法解释及案例依据:《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》(2019修正)第十六条 、第十七条。《第二次全国涉外商事海事审判工作会议纪要》(法发〔2005〕26号)第39条《全国法院涉外商事海事审判工作座谈会会议纪要》(2022.1.24)《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第十六条规定的公文书证包括外国法院作出的判决、裁定,外国行政机关出具的文件,外国公共机构出具的商事登记、出生及死亡证明、婚姻状况证明等文件,但不包括外国鉴定机构等私人机构出具的文件。参考案例:最高人民法院(2020)最高法民再115号、最高人民法院(2020)闽0322民初1342号、(2021)最高法民申1750号。
VIII.Regarding the recognition of foreign court judgments, arbitral awards, etc., as evidence: If one party submits a legally effective judgment or ruling issued by a foreign court, or an arbitral award issued by a foreign arbitral institution as evidence, the People's Court shall organize cross-examination by both parties and then proceed with examination and determination. However, the facts recognized by such judgment, ruling, or arbitral award do not fall within the scope of facts that the parties are not required to prove under Article 93(1) of the Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law. If one party claims that such judgment, ruling, or arbitral award, not recognized by the People's Court, cannot be used as evidence, the People's Court shall not support this claim.
IX. Other matters to be noted:
(1) Extraterritorial Evidence: Generally refers to evidence provided by parties in civil and commercial litigation that is formed outside the territory of the People's Republic of China. According to Article 1(2) of the "Guidelines of the Tianjin High People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Examination of Extraterritorial Evidence in Civil and Commercial Litigation," evidence, although formed outside the territory, may not be recognized as extraterritorial evidence if it is ultimately formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China due to factors such as reception, acquisition, arrival, or completion. "Extraterritorial" includes two parts: formed outside the territory of the People's Republic of China and formed in the Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan regions.
(2) Official Documents: Official documents generally include judgments and rulings made by foreign courts, documents issued by foreign administrative agencies, documents issued by foreign public institutions such as commercial registration, birth and death certificates, and marital status certificates, but do not include documents issued by private institutions such as foreign appraisal agencies.
(3) Foreign Language Evidence: Evidence expressed in languages other than Chinese, emphasizing the language type or form of evidence.
(4) Selection of Foreign Language Translation Agencies: According to Article 525 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," if parties have objections to translation documents, they may jointly commission a translation agency. If they cannot reach an agreement, the court will make the determination.
(5) China has signed judicial assistance treaties with relevant countries, exempting official documents and other documents from certification. Parties do not need to go through notarization or authentication procedures for extraterritorial evidence. Examples include: "Treaty between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Singapore on Judicial Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters," "Agreement between the People's Republic of China and the French Republic on Judicial Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters," " Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents" (commonly known as the "Apostille Convention"), etc.
The above viewpoints are provided for reference only.