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外商投资信息报告办法Measures for Reporting Foreign Investment Information

第一章 总则

Chapter I  General Provisions

第一条 为进一步扩大对外开放,提升外商投资促进、保护和管理水平,完善外商投资政策措施,改善营商环境,根据《中华人民共和国外商投资法》及《中华人民共和国外商投资法实施条例》,制定本办法。

Article 1  These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Foreign Investment Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Regulations for the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) for the purpose of further expanding the opening up to the outside world, improving the level of promotion, protection and management of foreign investment, perfecting foreign investment policies and measures and improving the business environment.

第二条 外国投资者直接或者间接在中国境内进行投资活动,应由外国投资者或者外商投资企业根据本办法向商务主管部门报送投资信息。

Article 2 Where a foreign investor directly or indirectly conducts investment activities within the territory of China, the foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise shall submit investment information to the competent commercial department in accordance with these Measures.

第三条 商务部负责统筹和指导全国范围内外商投资信息报告工作。


Article 3 The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for the overall planning and guidance of foreign investment information reporting nationwide.

The competent commercial departments of local people's governments at or above the county level, as well as the relevant institutions of free trade pilot zones and national economic and technological development zones, are responsible for the information reporting of foreign investment in this region.

第四条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当通过企业登记系统以及国家企业信用信息公示系统向商务主管部门报送投资信息。

Article 4 Foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises shall submit investment information to the competent commercial authorities through the enterprise registration system and the national enterprise credit information publicity system.


The market supervision department shall promptly push the above investment information submitted by foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises to the competent commercial department.


The Ministry of Commerce shall establish a foreign investment information reporting system to timely receive and process investment information pushed by market supervision departments and information shared by departments.

第五条 市场监管总局统筹指导全国企业登记系统、国家企业信用信息公示系统建设,保障外商投资信息报告的实施。

Article 5 The General Administration of Market Supervision shall co-ordinate and guide the construction of the national enterprise registration system and the national enterprise credit information publicity system to ensure the implementation of the foreign investment information reports.

第六条 各级商务主管部门和市场监管部门应当做好工作衔接。商务主管部门应当为外国投资者和外商投资企业报送投资信息提供专门指导。

Article 6 The competent commercial departments at all levels and the market supervision departments shall do a good job of convergence. The competent department of commerce shall provide special guidance for foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises to submit investment information.

第七条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当及时报送投资信息,遵循真实、准确、完整原则,不得进行虚假或误导性报告,不得有重大遗漏。

Article 7 Foreign investors or enterprises with foreign investment shall submit investment information in a timely manner, follow the principles of truthfulness, accuracy and completeness, and shall not make false or misleading reports or make major omissions.

第二章 报告主体、内容与方式

Chapter II Subject, Content and Method of Report

第八条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当按照本办法规定通过提交初始报告、变更报告、注销报告、年度报告等方式报送投资信息。

Article 8 Foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises shall submit investment information by submitting initial reports, change reports, cancellation reports, annual reports and other forms in accordance with these Measures.

第九条 外国投资者在中国境内设立外商投资企业,应于办理外商投资企业设立登记时通过企业登记系统提交初始报告。

Article 9 When establishing a foreign-invested enterprise in China, a foreign investor shall submit an initial report through the enterprise registration system when registering the establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise.


When a foreign investor acquires a domestic non-foreign-invested enterprise by equity, it shall submit an initial report through the enterprise registration system when handling the change registration of the acquired enterprise.

第十条 外国投资者提交初始报告,应当报送企业基本信息、投资者及其实际控制人信息、投资交易信息等信息。

Article 10 When submitting an initial report, a foreign investor shall submit the basic information of the enterprise, the information of the investor and its actual controller, investment transaction information and other information.

第十一条 初始报告的信息发生变更,涉及企业变更登记(备案)的,外商投资企业应于办理企业变更登记(备案)时通过企业登记系统提交变更报告。

Article 11 If the information in the initial report changes and involves the registration (filing) of enterprise change, the foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the change report through the enterprise registration system when handling the registration (filing) of enterprise change.


If it does not involve enterprise change registration (filing), the foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the change report through the enterprise registration system within 20 working days after the change occurs. If the enterprise makes a resolution on the alteration according to the articles of association, the time when the resolution is made shall be the time when the alteration occurs; If there are other requirements for the effective conditions of the change in laws and regulations, the time to meet the corresponding requirements shall be the time when the change occurs.


Foreign-invested listed companies and companies listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises can report the change information of investors and their shares only when the change of foreign investors' shareholding ratio exceeds 5% or causes the change of foreign holding and relative holding status.

第十二条 外商投资企业提交变更报告,应当报送企业基本信息、投资者及其实际控制人信息、投资交易信息等信息的变更情况。

Article 12 When a foreign-invested enterprise submits a change report, it shall submit the change of basic information of the enterprise, information of investors and their actual controllers, investment transaction information and other information.

第十三条 外商投资企业注销或者转为内资企业的,在办理企业注销登记或者企业变更登记后视同已提交注销报告,相关信息由市场监管部门推送至商务主管部门,外商投资企业无需另行报送。

Article 13 If a foreign-invested enterprise cancels or turns into a domestic-funded enterprise, it shall be deemed to have submitted a cancellation report after going through the cancellation registration or change registration of the enterprise, and the relevant information shall be pushed to the competent commercial department by the market supervision department, and the foreign-invested enterprise does not need to submit it separately.

第十四条 外商投资企业应于每年1月1日至6月30日通过国家企业信用信息公示系统提交上一年度的年度报告。

Article 14  Foreign-invested enterprises shall submit the annual report of the previous year through the national enterprise credit information publicity system from January 1 to June 30 every year.


Foreign-invested enterprises established in that year shall submit annual reports from next year.

第十五条 外商投资企业提交年度报告,应当报送企业基本信息、投资者及其实际控制人信息、企业经营和资产负债等信息,涉及外商投资准入特别管理措施的,还应当报送获得相关行业许可信息。

Article 15 When submitting an annual report, a foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the basic information of the enterprise, the information of investors and their actual controllers, the operation of the enterprise, assets and liabilities, and other information. If special management measures for foreign investment access are involved, it shall also submit the information of obtaining relevant industry licenses.

第十六条 初始报告、变更报告和年度报告等的具体内容,按照确有必要原则,结合外商投资实际情况和企业登记注册、企业信息公示的有关规定确定,由商务部以公告形式对外发布。

Article 16 The specific contents of the initial report, change report and annual report shall be determined in accordance with the principle of necessity, combined with the actual situation of foreign investment and the relevant provisions on enterprise registration and enterprise information publicity, and shall be released by the Ministry of Commerce in the form of announcement.

第三章 信息共享、公示与更正

Chapter III Information Sharing, Publicity and Correction

第十七条 商务主管部门与有关部门应当根据信息报告工作需要建立外商投资信息共享机制。

Article 17 The competent department of commerce and relevant departments shall establish an information sharing mechanism for foreign investment according to the needs of information reporting.


Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and administrative regulations, the foreign investment information obtained by the relevant departments in the course of performing their duties shall be shared with the competent commercial authorities in a timely manner.

第十八条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业报送的投资信息,根据《企业信息公示暂行条例》应当向社会公示或者外国投资者、外商投资企业同意公示的,将通过国家企业信用信息公示系统及外商投资信息报告系统向社会公示。

Article 18 If the investment information submitted by foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises should be publicized to the public according to the Provisional Regulations on Enterprise Information Publicity or the foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises agree to publicize it, it will be publicized to the public through the national enterprise credit information publicity system and the foreign investment information reporting system.

第十九条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业发现其存在未报、错报、漏报有关投资信息的,应当及时进行补报或更正。外商投资企业对《企业信息公示暂行条例》第九条所列年度报告公示信息的补报或者更正应当符合该条例有关规定。

Article 19 If a foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise finds that it has not reported, misstated or omitted relevant investment information, it shall make a supplementary report or make corrections in time. Foreign-invested enterprises shall make up or correct the information published in the annual report listed in Article 9 of the Provisional Regulations on Enterprise Information Publicity in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations.


If the competent commerce department finds that a foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise fails to report, misstates or omits to report, it shall notify the foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise to make supplementary reports or make corrections within 20 working days.


If the correction involves publicity matters, the information before and after the correction shall be publicized at the same time.

第四章 监督管理

Chapter IV Supervision and Administration

第二十条 商务主管部门对外国投资者、外商投资企业遵守本办法情况实施监督检查。

Article 20 The competent commerce department shall supervise and inspect the compliance of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises with these Measures.


The competent department of commerce may, in conjunction with relevant departments, conduct supervision and inspection by means of spot checks, inspections based on reports, inspections based on suggestions and reflections of relevant departments or judicial organs, and inspections initiated ex officio.

第二十一条 商务主管部门采取抽查方式对外国投资者、外商投资企业履行信息报告义务的情况实施监督检查,应当随机抽取检查对象、随机选派执法检查人员,抽查事项及查处结果及时通过外商投资信息报告系统公示平台予以公示。

Article 21 The competent department of commerce shall conduct supervision and inspection on the performance of information reporting obligations by foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises by spot check, and shall randomly select inspection objects and randomly select law enforcement inspectors, and the spot check items and investigation results shall be publicized in a timely manner through the publicity platform of the foreign investment information reporting system.


Citizens, legal persons or other organizations may report to the competent commerce department if they find that foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises have violated these measures. If the report is in written form, there is a clear informant, and relevant facts and evidence are provided, the competent commercial department shall handle it in time according to law after receiving the report.


Other relevant departments or judicial organs may, in the course of performing their duties, put forward suggestions for supervision and inspection to the competent commerce department if they find that foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises have violated these measures, and the competent commerce department shall promptly deal with them according to law after receiving relevant suggestions.


For foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises that fail to report in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, or have made false reports, refused to cooperate with the supervision and inspection, and refused to perform the administrative punishment decisions made by the competent commercial authorities, the competent commercial authorities may initiate inspections according to their functions and powers.

第二十二条 商务主管部门可采取实地核查、书面检查等方式进行监督检查,可根据需要从其他部门获取信息用于核实外国投资者或者外商投资企业报送的投资信息是否真实、准确、完整、及时。商务主管部门可依法查阅或者要求被检查人提供有关材料,被检查人应当配合检查,如实提供。

Article 22 The competent commerce department may conduct supervision and inspection by means of on-the-spot inspection and written inspection, and may obtain information from other departments as needed to verify whether the investment information submitted by foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises is true, accurate, complete and timely. The competent department of commerce may consult or require the inspected person to provide relevant materials according to law, and the inspected person shall cooperate with the inspection and provide them truthfully.

第二十三条 商务主管部门实施监督检查不得妨碍被检查人正常的生产经营活动,不得接受被检查人提供的财物或者服务,不得谋取其他非法利益。

Article 23 In carrying out supervision and inspection, the competent commerce department shall not interfere with the normal production and business activities of the inspected, shall not accept property or services provided by the inspected, shall not seek other illegal interests.

第二十四条 商务主管部门、市场监管部门应当依法保护履行职责过程中知悉的外国投资者、外商投资企业的商业秘密。

Article 24 The competent department of commerce and the market supervision department shall protect the business secrets of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises in the course of performing their duties according to law.

第五章 法律责任

Chapter V Legal Liability

第二十五条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业未按照本办法要求报送投资信息,且在商务主管部门通知后未按照本办法第十九条予以补报或更正的,由商务主管部门责令其于20个工作日内改正;逾期不改正的,处十万元以上三十万元以下罚款;逾期不改正且存在以下情形的,处三十万元以上五十万元以下罚款:

Article 25 If a foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise fails to submit investment information in accordance with the requirements of these Measures, and fails to make supplementary reports or make corrections in accordance with Article 19 of these Measures after being notified by the competent commerce department, the competent commerce department shall order it to make corrections within 20 working days; If no correction is made within the time limit, a fine of not less than one hundred thousand yuan but not more than three hundred thousand yuan shall be imposed; If no correction is made within the time limit and the following circumstances exist, a fine of not less than 300,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan shall be imposed:


(1) Foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises deliberately evade the obligation of information reporting, or conceal the true situation or provide misleading or false information when reporting information;


(2) The foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise has made mistakes in submitting important information such as its industry, whether it involves special management measures for foreign investment access, enterprise investors and their actual controllers;


(3) If a foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise fails to submit investment information in accordance with the requirements of these Measures and is subject to administrative punishment, it will violate the relevant requirements of these Measures again within two years;


(4) Other serious circumstances identified by the competent department of commerce.

第二十六条 商务主管部门在监督检查中掌握的外国投资者、外商投资企业未依法履行信息报告义务的有关情况,应当记入外商投资信息报告系统,并按照国家关于信用体系建设的有关规定完善信用监管。

Article 26 The relevant information that foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises have not fulfilled their information reporting obligations according to law in the supervision and inspection by the competent commercial departments shall be recorded in the foreign investment information reporting system, and credit supervision shall be improved in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state on the construction of credit system.


If a foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise is subject to administrative penalties by the competent commerce department for violating the obligation of information reporting, the competent commerce department may publicize the relevant information on the publicity platform of the foreign investment information reporting system and incorporate it into the credit information system in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.


The competent department of commerce may share with the relevant departments of market supervision, foreign exchange, customs, taxation, etc. the information about foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises' performance of information reporting obligations and the corresponding administrative penalties.

第二十七条 外国投资者或者外商投资企业认为外商投资信息报告系统公示平台上有关信息记录不完整或者有错误的,可提供相关证明材料并向商务主管部门申请修正。经核查属实的,予以修正。

Article 27 Foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises think that the relevant information records on the publicity platform of the foreign investment information reporting system are incomplete or wrong, they can provide relevant certification materials and apply to the competent commercial department for amendment. If it is verified through verification, it shall be amended.


If a foreign investor or foreign-invested enterprise does not violate the information reporting obligation within one year after correcting the illegal act and fulfilling the relevant obligations, it may apply to the competent commercial department to remove the relevant information records on the publicity platform of the foreign investment information reporting system. If it is verified through verification, the records shall be removed.

第六章 附则

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第二十八条 外商投资企业在中国境内投资(含多层次投资)设立企业的,在向市场监管部门办理登记备案、报送年报信息后,相关信息由市场监管部门推送至商务主管部门,上述企业无需另行报送。

Article 28 If a foreign-invested enterprise invests (including multi-level investment) in China to set up an enterprise, after registering with the market supervision department and submitting the annual report information, the relevant information will be pushed to the competent commercial department by the market supervision department, and the above-mentioned enterprises do not need to submit separately.

第二十九条 外商投资举办的投资性公司、创业投资企业和以投资为主要业务的合伙企业在境内投资设立企业的,应当参照本办法第二章的规定报送投资信息。

Article 29 Foreign-invested investment companies, venture capital enterprises and partnerships with investment as their main business shall submit investment information with reference to the provisions of Chapter II of these Measures.

第三十条 非企业形式的外商投资,应由外国投资者参照本办法第二章的规定报送投资信息,但通过部门信息共享可以获得相关信息的除外。

Article 30 Foreign investment in the form of non-enterprise, the foreign investors shall refer to the provisions of Chapter II of these Measures to submit investment information, except that relevant information can be obtained through departmental information sharing.

第三十一条 法律、行政法规规定企业设立、变更、注销登记前须行业主管部门许可的,外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当在申请登记注册时向市场监管部门提交有关批准文件。

Article 31 Where laws and administrative regulations stipulate that the establishment, alteration and cancellation of registration of an enterprise must be approved by the competent department of industry, foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises shall submit relevant approval documents to the market supervision department when applying for registration.

第三十二条 外国投资者在中国境内投资银行业、证券业、保险业等金融行业,适用本办法。

Article 32 Foreign investors in China to invest in banking, securities, insurance and other financial industries, the application of this approach.

第三十三条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区投资者以及定居在国外的中国公民的投资,参照本办法报送投资信息。

Article 33 Investors from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province and China citizens who have settled abroad shall submit investment information with reference to these Measures.

第三十四条 本办法由商务部、市场监管总局负责解释。

Article 34 The Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Market Supervision shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

第三十五条 本办法自2020年1月1日起实施。《外商投资企业设立及变更备案管理暂行办法》同时废止。

Article 35 These Measures shall be implemented as of January 1, 2020. The Interim Measures for the Administration of the Establishment and Change of Foreign-invested Enterprises shall be abolished at the same time.