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Interpretation on Catalogue of Industries for Encouraging Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) 

2022年10月28日,国家发展改革委、商务部联合发布《鼓励外商投资产业目录(2022年版)》(包括全国目录和中西部地区目录)(“鼓励目录”), 将于2023年1月1日施行,2020年版鼓励目录同时废止。

On October 28, 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce  released the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraging Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (including the National Catalogue and the Central and Western Regions Catalogue) ("Encouragement Catalogue"), which will come into force on January 1, 2023, and the 2020 edition of the Encouragement Catalogue will be abolished at the same time.


On the basis of increasing the number of items and optimizing the catalogue structure, the National Catalogue focuses on the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and accelerating the promotion of technology iteration and upgrading; further, on the basis of suiting measures to local conditions and taking overall consideration of local resource endowments and industrial conditions, the Central and Western Regions Catalogue has added or expanded relevant items to further optimize the regional layout of foreign investment. Moreover, “focusing on manufacturing industry to improve the quality of investment attraction” is also the key point of the revision, that is to further expand the scope of foreign investment on the basis of maintaining the stability of the existing incentive policies and also in accordance with the principle of "increasing the total amount and optimizing the structure". Today, we will focus on interpreting the Encouragement Catalogue for you. Let's take a look at some of the major changes.

一、 新增、修改数据Adding and Modifying Data


There are 1474 items in the Encouraged Catalogue, 239 items (an increase of nearly 20%) were added and 167 items were modified compared with the 2020 edition. The National Catalogue contains 519 items, 39 of which were added and 85 were revised compared with the 2020 edition; The Central and Western Regions Catalogue contains 955 items, 200 of which were added and 82 were revised compared with the 2020 version. In the Central and Western Regions Catalogue, some manufacturing related industry items were added in line with local conditions, such as items of production of smart phones, tablets and other key parts and intelligent terminal products were added in Shanxi, Liaoning, Anhui, Ningxia and other provinces and regions, so that to further strengthen the investment attraction advantages of manufacturing industry in the Central and Western Regions as well as the Northeast Regions.

  二、 主要变化Major Modifications

 1. 持续鼓励外资投向制造业。全国目录继续将制造业作为鼓励外商投资的重点方向,新增或扩展元器件、零部件、装备制造等有关条目。

  Continuously encourage foreign investment in manufacturing. The National Catalogue continues taking manufacturing industry as the key direction of encouraging foreign investment, and also adding or expanding relevant items such as components, parts and equipment, etc., manufacturing.


  Continuously guide foreign investment in productive services. The National Catalogue focuses on promoting the integrated development of service industry and manufacturing industry, and also adding or expanding items such as professional design, technical service and development, etc.


 Continuously optimize the regional layout of foreign investment utilization. Expanding the scope of the Central and Western Regions Catalogue in combination with the advantages of local labor force and characteristic resources.



  The vigorous development of foreign-invested enterprises, especially foreign-invested manufacturing industry, is an important force of strengthening China's high-quality economic development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has promoted high-level opening-up, fostered a market-based legalized and international first-class business environment, steadily increased the scale of foreign investment utilization, and continuously optimized the structure of investment attraction. In 2021, China's actual use of foreign investment reached RMB1.15 trillion, with an increase of 62.9% over 2012, ranking second worldwide for four consecutive years. Therefore, the modification of the Encouragement Catalogue is an important measure for further stabilizing foreign investment under the current situation. It is not only conducive to promoting high-level opening-up and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, but also conducive to further stabilizing foreign investment, optimizing the investment structure, and boosting foreign investment expectations and confidence. The Encouragement Catalogue is an important foreign investment promotion policy in China, as well as an important industrial and regional policy for foreign investment.


In recent years, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has evolved in depth worldwide and is profoundly changing the global industrial pattern. At the same time, under the intertwined influence of changes and epidemic in the century, the global industrial chain and supply chain have shown a trend of regionalization, localization and short chain, which puts forward higher requirements for China to better attract foreign investment. Under such background, the release of Several Policies and Measures and the new edition of Encouragement Catalogue is just in time, which has fostered a good atmosphere for guiding foreign enterprises to participate in the upgrading of domestic industrial structure. To achieve high-quality development, China is accelerating the promotion of the high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing industry. It is of great significance to attract foreign investment into the manufacturing industry to promote the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry and better integrate into the global industrial division and cooperation.


To sum up, through our interpretation above, by precisely implementing various policies and encouraging multinational companies to invest in manufacturing industry, China will further consolidate the advantages of manufacturing industry in attracting foreign investment, promoting the high-quality development of foreign investment utilization and making greater contributions to the construction of a new development pattern. Here is another tip: foreign invested projects under construction that conform to the 2022 edition of Encouragement Catalogue can enjoy relevant preferential policies.