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济源市人民政府办公室 关于进一步加强境外来济人员新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的通告(中英文)









The General Office of the People's Government of Jiyuan City on COVID-19 Prevention and 

Control of Inbound Arrivals to  Jiyuan

To prevent inbound contagion, consolidate the present achievements on COVID-19 prevention and control in Jiyuan and safeguard the health and safety of Jiyuan citizens and inbound arrivals, the following measures shall be taken:

I. Potential inbound arrivals to Jiyuan shall report their itinerary and health status to the Office of the Leading Group of COVID-19 Prevention and Control of their destination. In case of Passport of Public Affairs, the dispatching unit shall be responsible for the reporting. In case of Passport of Private Affairs, the holder or his/her relatives in Jiyuan shall be responsible for the reporting; besides, his/her work unit shall be informed at the earliest time and report immediately. Work units, with invitation, reception or employment of inbound arrivals to Jiyuan, shall report truthfully to the Office of the Leading Group of COVID-19 Prevention and Control in local governments 48 hours beforehand.

II. Inbound arrivals to Jiyuan shall truthfully sign in his/her travel history, undergo identity verification and health declaration and take body temperature measurement. A 7+3-day quarantine at designated sites and other requirements of epidemic prevention and control should be abided by.

III. Network management should be strengthened at township and community levels. Strictly implement prevention and control measures, including body temperature detection, inspection of Jiyuan Health Code, thorough screening and efficient management.

IV. Inbound arrivals to Jiyuan shall abide by Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People’s Republic of China and related rules and regulations of prevention and control in Jiyuan. Whoever fails to truthfully report inbound arrival to Jiyuan and caused serious consequences shall be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with law.

V. Jiyuan citizens, if discovering inbound arrivals who fail to report truthfully or violate rules of home quarantine, shall report immediately to Offices of Prevention and Control at different levels or the local governments.

                                                                April 15, 2022