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Opinions of the State Council on Further Improving the Use of Foreign Capital

Guo Fa [2019] No.23                         2019-10-30

People's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and ministries, commissions and all directly affiliated institutions under the State Council,

Opening up to the outside world is a basic national policy of China. Foreign capital has played a unique and important role in China's economic development. To promote high-quality development and the modernization drive, we must always attach great importance to the use of foreign capital. Currently, the international investment landscape is undergoing profound adjustments, and use of foreign capital in China is facing new situations, new characteristics and new challenges. In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully carry out the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the second, third and fourth plenary sessions of the Nineteenth CPC Central Committee, carry out overall planning to promote the "Five-in-One" overall layout, coordinate to push forward the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout, put into practice the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on stabilizing foreign capital, take stimulating market vitality and boosting investment confidence as the starting point, safeguarding the national treatment of foreign-invested enterprises as the focal point and creating an open, transparent and expectable foreign investment environment as the point of efforts, continue to deepen the reform of "streamlining administration, delegating powers and improving services", further improve the use of foreign capital, stabilize the scale of foreign investment, and optimize the structure of foreign investment, the following opinions are hereby put forward.

I. Deepen Opening up to the Outside World

(I) Support foreign investors to invest in new open fields. We shall continue to scale down the negative list of access for foreign investment across the country and in pilot free trade zones, comprehensively clear up and abolish restrictive measures which are not included in the negative list, safeguard the effective implementation of opening-up measures and continue to raise the level of opening up. (The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce shall play the lead role, and all relevant departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(II) Accelerate the opening up of the financial industry. We shall comprehensively abolish restrictions on the scopes of business of foreign banks, securities companies, fund management companies and other financial institutions in China, enrich market supply and boost market vitality. We shall reduce the quantitative access requirements for foreign investors to invest in and set up banking and insurance institutions and run relevant businesses, and abolish the total asset requirements for foreign banks to establish foreign legal person banks and branches in China, as well as the requirements of operating years and total assets for foreign insurance brokerage companies to operate insurance brokerage businesses in China. We shall expand the scope of shareholders for investing in foreign banks and foreign insurance institutions, abolish the requirement that the sole or major shareholder of a Chinese-foreign joint venture bank must be a financial institution, and allow foreign insurance group companies to invest in and establish insurance institutions. We shall continue to support the handling of the establishment, alteration and other administrative licensing matters of foreign insurance companies and their branches in line with the principle of consistency between domestic and foreign investors. In 2020, we shall abolish the restriction that the foreign shareholding ratio of securities companies, securities investment fund management companies, futures companies and life insurance companies should not be more than 51%. (The People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(III) Optimize foreign investment policies in the automobile field. All regions shall guarantee that new-energy vehicles (NEVs) produced by domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers enjoy the same market access treatment. We shall revise the measures for the parallel administration of corporate average fuel consumption and NEV credits, and allow the transfer of credits between foreign-invested vehicle enterprises in China after foreign parties reach agreement through consultation with their Chinese joint venture partners. (The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(IV) Strive to create a fair operation environment. All regions and all departments should strive to improve the fairness of the market, promptly correct practices which violate fair competition, and make efforts to eliminate institutional obstacles hindering fair competition. We shall unify the scopes of business canvassing for domestic and foreign construction enterprises; and improve relevant provisions on applications by foreign investors for engaging in the operation of Internet-based service business venues, entertainment venues and other businesses. We shall adhere to the principle of equal treatment for domestic and foreign institutions, and carry out the qualification examination and approval of compulsory product certification institutions. We shall increase the number of agencies that appraise the physical hazards of chemicals, and shall not set restrictive conditions for foreign-invested enterprises. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the State Administration for Market Regulation and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

II. Step up Investment Promotion

(V) Optimize scientific and technological innovation services for foreign-invested enterprises. We shall strengthen guidance and services for foreign-invested enterprises to apply for accreditation as new and high technology enterprises, organize and conduct thematic training on policies, strengthen policy publicity, and encourage and guide more foreign capital to flow into new and high technology industries. (The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(VI) Raise the construction level of pilot free trade zones. We shall support local governments and departments to focus on the expectations of market entities, put forward specific measures to support pilot free trade zones to further expand opening-up and innovate development, push forward the first trial and first pilot of relevant in-depth reform matters in pilot free trade zones, and give full play to the role of pilot free trade zones as test grounds of reform and opening-up. We shall delegate more provincial economic administrative examination and approval powers, especially investment examination and approval, market access and other powers, to pilot free trade zones where conditions permit. (The Ministry of Commerce shall play the lead role, and the National Development and Reform Commission, relevant departments and all relevant provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(VII) Improve the quality of capital attracted by open platforms. Local people's governments shall be encouraged to give support to national economic and technological development areas which have conditions to build relatively competitive industrial clusters, and establish brand-based business promotion and capital introduction platforms. We shall establish a system of contact with key enterprises, provide professional and whole-process services, and strive to cultivate leading enterprises and core enterprises in industrial chains which have strong driving forces and a wide reach. In central and western regions which do have development needs and meet the pertinent requirements, we shall give priority to the establishment of a number of additional comprehensive bonded zones. We shall effectively push forward the reform of "within-area examination and approval", "Internet + government services" and "one visit at most" in national economic and technological development areas, innovate and perfect the enterprise service system and build a first-class business environment. (The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the State Taxation Administration and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(VIII) Support local governments to step up efforts to attract foreign investment. We shall encourage local governments to formulate assessment and incentive policies according to their actual situations of local business promotion work, and implement more flexible incentive measures for non-civil servant posts in their business promotion departments and teams. We shall encourage local governments to rationally set fund quotas and standards for business promotion and capital attraction within their statutory powers, and give support to overseas business promotion activities, team applications and so on. (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(IX) Effectively carry out policy publicity and interpretation. All regions and all departments shall actively carry out policy publicity by setting up investment service platforms, policy consultation windows and other means, go deep into enterprises to publicize policies, learn about difficult and blocking points in policy implementation, comprehensively respond to demands of enterprises, support foreign-invested enterprises to enjoy supporting preferential policies in accordance with laws and regulations, and assist enterprises to make full and good use of various policies. (All relevant departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

III. Deepen the Reform of Investment Facilitation

(X) Reduce the cost of cross-border use of funds. We shall introduce specific measures as soon as possible to support foreign-invested enterprises to expand the cross-border use of RMB. We shall expand the scope of the pilot reform to facilitate payment of incomes from capital accounts; and promote the reform of the registration system for issuance of foreign debts by enterprises, perfect the macro Prudential Management Policy for cross-border financing in all calibers, support foreign-invested enterprises to choose their own mode of borrowing of foreign debts, and reduce financing costs. We shall encourage foreign-invested enterprises to use their capital funds in equity investment in China according to the law. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XI) Step up facilitation for foreigners to work in China. We shall support all regions to appropriately relax, according to the needs of their local economic development, restrictions on age, educational background, work experience and so on for urgently needed innovative and entrepreneurial talents and professional and skilled talents to come and work in China. Foreign students studying in China who have an intention of innovation and entrepreneurship may apply for a two-year private affairs-related residence permit by presenting their graduation certificates from Chinese universities. Foreigners who have applied for a work-related residence permit twice in a row may be granted, in accordance with provisions, a work-related residence permit with a validity period of five years when they apply for a work permit the third time. We shall optimize the procedures for handling applications from foreigners for work permits in China, perfect the departmental information sharing mechanism, and explore the integration of work permits and work-related residence permits for foreigners. (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Immigration Administration and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XII) Optimize procedures for the examination and approval of planned land use for foreign-invested projects. We shall continue to deepen the reform of "streamlining administration, delegating powers and improving services" for planned land use, and accelerate the implementation of foreign-invested projects. We shall combine planning, site selection and land use pre-examination, merge construction land use planning permits and land use approvals, promote the integration of multiple surveying and mapping businesses and the unification of multiple acceptance inspections, push forward information sharing, and simplify examination and approval materials for applied projects. (The Ministry of Natural Resources shall play the lead role, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

IV. Protect the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Foreign Investors

(XIII) Fully implement the Foreign Investment Law. After the Foreign Investment Lawand its supporting regulations come into effect, all regions and all departments shall strictly implement them, further clear up relevant regulations and provisions, promptly formulate and perfect specific implementing measures and relevant judicial interpretations, effectively carry out interpretation and training work, and ensure the effective implementation of various regulations of the Foreign Investment Law. (The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Justice shall play the lead role, and all departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XIV) Protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises. All regions shall establish and improve their institutions for handling complaints from foreign-invested enterprises, perfect handling rules, standardize handling procedures and improve handling efficiency. All regions and all departments shall strictly abide by the Foreign Investment Law, the Administrative Licensing Lawand other laws and regulations, implement administrative licensing on foreign investment, and shall not change the scope, procedures or standards, etc. of administrative licensing without authorization. Administrative organs and their staff shall not force or force in disguised form foreign investors or foreign-invested enterprises to transfer technology by way of administrative licensing, supervision and inspection, administrative coercion, etc. (The Ministry of Commerce shall play the lead role, and all departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XV) Strengthen the standardization of regulatory policy implementation. We shall optimize modes of supervision, scientifically and rationally set frequencies of supervision lawenforcement inspection concerning environmental protection, production safety, etc., and reduce the compliance cost of foreign-invested enterprises. Local governments shall take emergency measures against severely polluting weather in accordance with the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and other relevant laws and regulations. We shall guide localities to refine and quantify criteria of discretion in administrative punishment in the field of market regulation. (The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XVI) Improve the transparency of the formulation of administrative normative documents. All regions and all departments shall strengthen legality auditing when formulating and issuing administrative normative documents involving foreign investment. For administrative normative documents closely related to the production and operation activities of foreign-invested enterprises, we shall rationally determine the time between publication and implementation in relation to actual situations, so as to improve the predictability and transparency of policies. (All departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XVII) Leverage the important role of judicial protection of intellectual property rights. We shall give full play to the system efficacy of property preservation, evidence preservation and behavior preservation, and improve the timeliness and convenience of the judicial remedy for intellectual property rights. We shall optimize the requirements for formal elements of evidence in intellectual property cases involving foreign-invested enterprises, apply the presumption of fact, and rationally reduce the litigation burden of foreign parties. In accordance with the law, we shall strengthen the protection of trade secrets, rationally allocate the burden of proof, and strengthen civil and criminal protection; and try patent invalidity and infringement appeal cases in a centralized and unified way in accordance with the law, and further improve the quality and efficiency of trials; and fully respect the market value of intellectual property rights, actively use punitive compensation, and intensify efforts to crack down on acts of malicious infringement and repeated infringement. We shall further improve the system of technical investigators, and strengthen the establishment of a mechanism for multiple fact investigation in technical cases; shall strengthen the trial of cases involving standard-essential patents, and safeguard fair competition and market order; and shall give full play to the role of diversified mediation in intellectual property cases, and resolve disputes in a substantive way. We shall further unify the litigation evidence and judicial judgment standards for intellectual property cases, duly issue relevant judicial interpretations, issue guiding cases, and continuously raise the level of standardization, scientificity and internationalization of intellectual property judicial trials. (The Supreme People's Court shall be responsible for the work.)

(XVIII) Perfect the work mechanism of protection of intellectual property rights. We shall establish and improve a mechanism for rapid collaborative protection of intellectual property rights and credit-based joint punishment, continue to promote arbitration and mediation of intellectual property disputes, and establish and improve diversified mechanisms for resolving intellectual property disputes. We shall improve the procedures for revoking registered trademarks; and perfect the protection system for geographical indications. We shall perfect the mechanism of protection of intellectual property rights in e-commerce, rules on notification and removal of patent infringement judgments on e-commerce platforms, and collaboration and scheduling mechanisms forpatent lawenforcement and rights safeguarding in the field of e-commerce. We shall actively use standardized methods to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. (The Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Intellectual Property Administration and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XIX) Support participation in standards formulation. We shall guide all regions and all departments to fully implement the fair participation of domestic and foreign-invested enterprises in China's standardization work, encourage foreign-invested enterprises to participate in the formulation of China's medical device, food and drug, information product and other standards, and improve the scientificity and transparency of the formulation and revision of industry standards and technical specifications. (The State Administration for Market Regulation shall play the lead role, and all departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

(XX) Safeguard equal participation in government procurement according to the law. No region or department shall discriminate against foreign-invested enterprises in respect of government procurement information release, supplier eligibility determination, bid evaluation criteria, etc., nor set restrictions on the ownership form, organizational form, equity structure or investor country of suppliers, or product or service brands, etc. (The Ministry of Finance shall play the lead role, and all departments and all provincial people's governments shall be responsible for the work according to their respective functions and responsibilities.)

All regions and all departments shall thoroughly implement the deployments and requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on stabilizing foreign capital, fully realize the great significance of further improving the use of foreign capital, raise the stance, take the initiative to act, effectively pursue practical results, and vigorously implement various policy measures. Where revision or repeal of administrative regulations, documents of the State Council or departmental rules approved by the State Council is involved, the original leading drafting departments or the Ministry of Commerce shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, report the same to the State Council for revision or repeal. The Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with relevant departments shall strengthen guidance and coordination, and promptly report major issues to the State Council.

State Council

October 30, 2019

(Released inpublic)

(All information published in this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only. )